Does Smile Direct Club Really Whiten Teeth?

Over the years, people’s confidence has always diminished because of their yellow teeth; unfortunately, I was part of them. I often thought about using one of the best teeth whitening, and after long research online and from friends, I came across smile direct club whitening.

For those who might not have a glimpse of what the product entails, below are some essential things you need to know about the smile whitening kit.


Top 3 Picks Teeth Whitening Kit

GLO Brilliant Personal Teeth Whitening Device
  • Professional Teeth Whitening At Home Device- your smile 5x whiter in 5 days, with little to no sensitivity.
  • Kit includes everything you need to whiten your smile almost immediately! powerful whitening device proven to whiten teeth faster.
BreathSmile Led Teeth Whitening Kit  - Non sensitive
  • Powerful peroxide-free home teeth whitening kit
  • Scientifically formulated to provide teeth whitening results with no tooth sensitivity or gum irritation
  • Safe, effective teeth whitening from home without the sensitivity caused by peroxide teeth
AuraGlow Teeth Whitening Kit
  • Teeth whitening kit includes accelerator light that speeds up the whitening process. 
  • Mouth tray requires no molding or boiling, which means tray fits any mouth and allows you to whiten the top and bottom teeth at the same time comfortably.


Is Smile Direct Club Teeth Whitening Safe?


There are many teeth whiteners out there, and it is essential to know more about the product you want to use because teeth are sensitive places. However, smile direct club teeth whitener is tested and trusted after following instructions on how to use it properly.

However, it is important to know that smile direct club whitening must not be misused, and that is why it is advisable to check out the package.


Nevertheless, the smile whitening kit has features that help whiten your teeth and give you that sparkling white teeth smile.

The smile whitening kit has LED light mouth guards, absorbing gel, whitening pens, aligners, and sticks to strip if you do not like the mouth guard. So, if you are worried about whether smile whitening will harm your teeth, the answer is No!


Follow directions, use according to instructions, and you will see changes in your teeth in a few weeks.


Is SmileDirectClub Safe For Enamel?


Remember that enamel is a sensitive place in your teeth that must not receive something harsh. The good news is that smile direct club whitening is safer for enamel because of the benefits that come with the tools used for teeth whitening.

For instance, the LED teeth whitening works through its whitening agent and an LED to brighten up the teeth.


It is safe because the whitening agent has hydrogen peroxide content, and the light is used for a certain period when applying the gel. The light aids the whitening agent to cause a chemical reaction that removes the stains instantly during the process.

The LED whitening quality makes it a trusted product and one of the best at-home teeth whitening kits.


Please keep in mind that teeth whitening is a bleaching process. This is why you should use smile whitening correctly.


How Do I use Smile Direct Whitening Kit?


Using this product is very easy, and it comes with simple steps. In case you do not see the guide on how to use it properly, here is a detailed process on how to use it.

Before applying, ensure your teeth are brushed because the smile teeth whitening kit is more effective when you have clean teeth.


  • The first step is to remove the cap and twist the bottom of the pin slowly until you see the drop of gel on the brush.
  • After then, brush gently in a circular motion on the front and bottom of your six teeth. While you are doing this, the gel foam will begin to penetrate your entire teeth.
  • Meanwhile, keep on twisting the pen’s bottom to dispense more gel until your entire teeth are covered, and while you are doing that, plug the LED accelerator into your phone or USB port.
  • Five minutes later, remove the light and unplug; spit out foam out of your mouth if it is too excessive. However, do not rinse!


Once this is done, for the next twenty minutes, do not eat, drink or attempt to rinse your mouth in the next twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, you can rinse your mouth and wait a little while before you can eat or drink. Within one week, you will see the result. Finally, ensure the light does not go off while using the teeth whitening kit smile.


Can SmileDirectClub Damage Teeth?


Keeping your teeth shining bright on smile direct club does not cause any damage. Although, if you do not apply it correctly, it might result in teeth sensitivity capable of causing gum problems.

This is why you must check for a guide because bleaching teeth can result in problems with a single mistake.

However, one or two wrong application is not enough to cause gum sensitivity, but be careful.


Does Smile Direct Club Whitening Make Teeth Sensitive?


While researching teeth whiteners, most people who left reviews for smile direct whitening kit testify to its effectiveness. Although it has been explained that the wrong use can cause a problem, a few mistakes are not enough to make teeth sensitive.


Smiles whitening kit is ranked among the best at-home teeth whitening because of the quality and well-made gel that is properly regulated not to damage teeth.

Therefore, have no worries about teeth sensitivity even when you make mistakes. All you need to do is ensure that wrong usage is not frequent!


How Long Do You Use The Smile Direct Whitening Kit


Using a smile direct whitening kit often yield result, but you can also opt for the pro whitening system, which is even more effective.

On a regular basis, achieving white teeth smile through a smile whitening kit usually takes between 7 to 9 days. The teeth treatment is about 35 minutes per day.


Apply the whitening gel, wear the accelerator’s light on your teeth for five minutes, and do it twice a day. Constant use for two hours daily, along with brushing your teeth for one straight week, will yield white teeth smile.

After then, your teeth remain white for more than five months. Thanks to the effectiveness of the protective power of ProLong whitening extender gel. This is why the chances of teeth sensitivity are low.


How Often Should You Use Smile Direct Whitening?


Among the teeth whitening kits available out there, Smile Direct Club’s ability to keep your teeth safe from sensitivity is exceptional. This is because you do not have to use it too often, and once your white teeth smile is achieved, it takes a while before you can use it.


From the inscription Smile Direct Club website, you can use the smile direct whitening kit twice a day (morning and night) for a week. After then, you should not apply again till the next six months, and when applying again, it should be for a week.


Top 3 Picks Teeth Whitening Kit

GLO Brilliant Personal Teeth Whitening Device
  • Professional Teeth Whitening At Home Device- your smile 5x whiter in 5 days, with little to no sensitivity.
  • Kit includes everything you need to whiten your smile almost immediately! powerful whitening device proven to whiten teeth faster.
BreathSmile Led Teeth Whitening Kit  - Non sensitive
  • Powerful peroxide-free home teeth whitening kit
  • Scientifically formulated to provide teeth whitening results with no tooth sensitivity or gum irritation
  • Safe, effective teeth whitening from home without the sensitivity caused by peroxide teeth
AuraGlow Teeth Whitening Kit
  • Teeth whitening kit includes accelerator light that speeds up the whitening process. 
  • Mouth tray requires no molding or boiling, which means tray fits any mouth and allows you to whiten the top and bottom teeth at the same time comfortably.


Can I Use Smile Direct With Missing Teeth?


If you have a missing tooth, the smile direct whitening kit got you covered through its effective aligners, which work effectively for missing teeth. However, it is advised to meet a licensed orthodontist or dentist for assessment and determine if SmileDirectClub aligners are perfect for your teeth.


What Are Smile Direct Aligners Made Of?


Smile Whitening is made of a comfortable, smooth, BPA-free plastic that does not irritate your gum and cheek like the regular metal braces usually do.


How Do I Get A Refund From SmileDirectClub?


Perhaps there is an issue with your smile direct whitening kit. Endeavor to return its original product branding within thirty days. Anything outside that is not liable for refund, but you can contact customer care for further explanation.


IS SmileDirectClub Worth Buying Or Not?


Smile Direct Club whitening kit is effective and worth buying. However, you might have a negative experience if you do not follow the instructions as directed.

This brand is among the best teeth whitening that can help bring back your white teeth smile you need for a confidence boost.



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